

What are your salary expectations?
Aggregate salary data of developers in Dublin, Ireland

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I have done over 1000 interviews in the last few years. Here is the answer to the question of what are your salary expectations?

Creating an inclusive remote and office work environment
Some thoughts from working with a hybrid team of remote and in office humans.

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I worked in a startup a few years back that had some remote staff and some onsite staff, this is what we learned from experimenting with inclusion and collaboration

What is it like to apply for a job as a graduate
I asked the graduates I spent time with to fill out a small questionnaire.

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I wanted to see what it was like and how long it took to get a job as a graduate in pandemic times, here are the results

What i learned from doing 100 interviews with graduates.

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I spent about 100 hours talking with software engineering graduates who found it difficult to find jobs in the last 18 months

Internal developer platform
Before you create an IDP, have a look around at your organisation

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Optimising ways of working may be cheaper than creating a whole platform